AWDA (Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer)

GRAPE/RESOURCE Online Workshop 2020

Online, 1-3 July 2020

Darrouzet, F., D. Koronczay, V. Pierrard, N. Bergeot, J. De Keyser, and J. Lichtenberger, Plasmaspheric studies with ground-based instruments (VLF antenna in Antarctica), satellite data (Cluster mission) and a 3D empirical model


URSI AP-RASC (Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference) 2019

New Delhi, India, 9-15 March 2019

Bergeot, N., V. Pierrard, F. Darrouzet, and J.-M. Chevalier, Comparison between empirical and physical models of the topside ionospheric-plasmaspheric electron content above Antarctica


13th EGU General Assembly 2017

Vienne, Austria, 23-28 April 2017

Koronczay, D., J. Lichtenberger, P. Steinbach, C. Ferencz, M. Clilverd, C. Rodger, F. Darrouzet, D. Sannikov, and N. Cherneva, When do lightning strokes become whistlers detectable on the ground?


7th VERSIM and Radiation Belt Symposia 2016

Hermanus, South Africa, 19-24 September 2016

Darrouzet, F., J. Lichtenberger, and J. De Keyser, Recent advances in plasmaspheric observation: Ground-based remote sensing (new magnetic VLF antenna in Antarctica) and space based in situ measurement (Cluster and Van Allen Probes data)


European Space Weather Week (ESWW 12) 2015

Oostende, Belgium, 23-27 November 2015

Darrouzet, F., V. Pierrard, J. De Keyser, S. Ranvier, P. Décréau, and J. Lichtenberger, Investigation of the Earth's inner magnetosphere with an electric field sounder onboard the Cluster satellites and a VLF antenna installed in Belgium


6th VERSIM Workshop 2014

Dunedin, New Zealand, 20-23 January 2014

Darrouzet, F., S. Ranvier, J. De Keyser, H. Lamy, V. Pierrard, K. Borremans, P. Décréau, and J. Lichtenberger, Detection of whistlers by the Belgian VLF antenna : Statistical analysis and comparison with Cluster data and a plasmaspheric model


9th EGU General Assembly 2013

Vienne, Austria, 07-12 April 2013

Darrouzet, F., S. Ranvier, J. De Keyser, H. Lamy, J. Lichtenberger, and P. Décréau, Detection of whistlers by the Belgian VLF antenna : Statistical analysis and comparison with Cluster data


9th European Space Weather Week 2012

Brussels, Belgium, 5-9 November 2012

Whistlers Poster (.pdf)


URSI Forum 2012

Palace of the Academies (Brussels, Belgium), 14 September 2012

Whistlers Poster (.pdf)


VERSIM 5th Workshop 2012

Sao Paulo (Brazil), 3-6 September 2012

VLF Antenna Talk (.pdf)


STCE Radio Day 2012

IASB-BIRA (Brussels, Belgium), 15 May 2012

VLF Antenna Talk (.pdf)


IUGG General Assembly 2011

Melbourne (Australia), June-July 2011

Whistlers Poster (.pdf)


STCE Radio Day 2011

IASB-BIRA (Brussels, Belgium), 17 May 2011

Agenda (.pdf)
Minutes (.pdf)
VLF Antenna Talk (.pdf)


STCE Radio Day 2010

IASB-BIRA (Brussels, Belgium), 3 June 2010

Summary (.pdf)
VLF Antenna Talk (.pdf)